Regular House Cleaning
We offer regular housekeepings as often as you need them. We have a basic checklist for our services that we use and build on to meet your needs!
Deep House Cleaning
We usually recommend a deep cleaning for our first visit. Our deep cleanings go up and beyond normal standards, going so far as to scrub your lightswitches!
Rental Property Cleaning
We offer services to clean your rental property to have it fresh and clean for your next Tenant!
Since 1993
Here to make your life easier
I started this business in 2012 shortly after turning 18. Originally it was a simple way to fund my video gaming habits but then I was able to meet new people and see how having an affordable housekeeper can help!
Imagine not having to worry past the daily housekeeping. Just doing your dishes and then getting to relax.
My goal is to create a simple and personalized housekeeping system for you. Making sure we get even the little things that you notice during your day.
We also offer services to help you redesign your room to make it easier to stay organized and clean between our visits!

How to get started...
We would love to hear from you! If you have questions or would like to schedule a quote with us click the button to the right and we will get going!